繁荣! Education majors learn to teach science with impact


伟大的汉克, a former research scientist and 阀杆 advocate, at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

It was a science lesson the fourth-graders won’t soon forget. There was a DJ who dropped music while 伟大的汉克 the chemistry guru ran some colorful and explosive experiments. 结果? Hands down one of the most engaging science lessons of their young lives.

This Grand science experiment was managed by 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 教育教师和学生. It brought children from economically disadvantaged elementary schools in the region to the college for a lesson by a nationally known figure in 科学教育, 伟大的汉克.

伟大的汉克 talked to the fourth-graders about more than beakers and gases, though. He talked about his rocky start in college but perseverance and caring faculty helped him earn his degree and later a research scientist position at 约翰逊 & 约翰逊.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

Finally, he delivered powerful hands-on science lessons with help from the fourth-graders. The experiments included a controlled combustion reaction, drawing “blood” from a student’s palm, 真空包装小孩, and capturing gas from dry ice to form a bubble.

His work with the fourth-graders taught the 阿宾顿教育专业s and fourth-grade teachers how to teach science with impact. He engaged the students using common, inexpensive supplies and peaked the interest of even the hard-to-interest students with his enthusiasm.

在一天结束的时候, the fourth-graders benefited from the 阀杆 lesson and early exposure to a college campus, and the 阿宾顿教育专业 learned techniques to engage students in science content.


Penn State 阿宾顿教育专业 brought visiting fourth-graders into the college's science labs to perform experiments. Science faculty worked with the children, 太.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

社区 partnerships = mutual benefits

阿宾顿 students said their takeaway from the morning with 伟大的汉克 was the engagement with the fourth-grade teachers and children, who hail from the college's community partnership schools.

合作学校, located in struggling socioeconomic areas, work closely with 阿宾顿 faculty and students. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

Several times a year, they collaborate in several ways:

  • The 阿宾顿 students donate time and talent, spending time at the elementary schools observing and teaching mini-lessons.
  • The children come to the 阿宾顿 to learn about science from 伟大的汉克, about writing from popular children’s authors, and 阿宾顿 students teach more mini-lessons. Equally important, the children are exposed to a college campus — likely a first for many.
  • 阿宾顿 faculty host professional development with experts in literacy, 多样性, and other specialties for the 教育专业 and invite teachers from the partnership schools to the trainings, 太.

在一天结束的时候 with 伟大的汉克, the fourth-graders returned to their schools (John Hancock in Norristown, 塞缪尔·浮士德在本杰明, and Philadelphia's Alexander McClure and Anne Frank) with a new enthusiasm for science. And the 阿宾顿教育专业 will forever teach science with 伟大的汉克's booming voice inspiring them.


甚至在大一的时候, Penn State 阿宾顿教育专业 work with children at community partnership schools on mini-lessons such as this tasty math assignment.

图片来源:Regina Broscius


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 以前是奥贡茨校区, offers baccalaureate degrees in 18 majors at its suburban location just 费城北部. 将近一半的人,000 students complete all four years at 阿宾顿, with opportunities in undergraduate research, 施赖尔荣誉项目, 美国大学生体育协会第三组, 和更多的. Students can start the first two years of more than 160 Penn State majors at 阿宾顿 and complete their degrees at University Park or another campus. Lions Gate, our first residence hall, will open this August.
