阿宾顿 crisis communication course tackles COVID-19 pandemic


梅尔文Gupton他是企业传播学助理教授 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校.


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 公司信息交流 students who are enrolled in a risk and crisis management course are gaining real-world experience as they examine the coronavirus pandemic and the figures associated with this crisis. While the students are sympathetic to the fact that these numbers are associated with death, 疾病和难以置信的负面经济影响, the lessons associated with this pandemic allow students an opportunity to develop guidance that the government and even individuals could follow.  

Their work is taking place outside of the traditional classroom setting since 阿宾顿 transitioned to remote learning last month due to COVID-19.

“The class voted to scrap their individual crisis research projects in favor a collaborative, multipronged report analyzing the coronavirus using content from their textbook, 研究文章, 新闻报道, 社交媒体, 个人经历,” 梅尔文Gupton他是企业传播学助理教授.

The students split into five teams for the data collection phase of the project.

The academic literature review team is identifying and locating articles from the past 12 years that deal with viruses and infectious diseases. They are uploading the abstracts along with key findings from the articles and how they relate to what the nation is experiencing with COVID-19. Their final document will showcase their results and common threads from the research discussions.

Students on the newspaper scan team are using The New York Times to track COVID-19 from its infancy in China to today. They will assemble newspaper headlines that paint a narrative of the pandemic before it was labeled as such. 

“The daily headlines tell a clear story of the transmission of the coronavirus,古普顿说.


  • Track 1: They are identifying the number of cases worldwide and the infection rates in the top countries from December to the present and graphing the results. 
  • Track 2: Students are tracing statements from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization leading up to the designation of the virus as a pandemic. They are tasked with identifying the changing recommendations and policies.
  • Track 3: These students are focusing a newspaper scan on the unprecedented change reflected in the stock indexes by tracing financial data since February and describing and graphing the change. They will then provide leading indicators of what some are predicting as a global recession. 
  • Track 4: They are focusing the newspaper examination on how COVID-19 is changing daily life and how we learn, 社交, 在一个保持社交距离的时代. They are also exploring the guidelines being implemented by different states.  

“In addition to the threat and sometimes destruction that is inherent in a crisis, there are also opportunities for renewal and resiliency following a crisis.”

-- 梅尔文Gupton他是企业传播学助理教授

第三组是非正式地调查朋友, 家庭, and peers and categorizing their thinking about the coronavirus into themes. 

第四组正在对社交媒体进行非正式调查. Students chose a platform and are sampling what types of ideas, 模因, 条目, 人们在分享点赞. They are organizing their selections according to broad themes. 

The last team is examining the governmental response to the pandemic. Gupton told these students that they must "check their political views at the virtual door." 

These students are identifying the early and evolving statements from the federal government. Understanding that crises are fluid and full of uncertainty, they are tracking the responses from the federal government prior to and after the organization of the national coronavirus task force. 最后, these students will identify who is on the task force and track their recommendations in the media.  

一旦所有团队完成了发现阶段, 然后他们将进入下两个阶段, 数据分析和报告. 学生们将把他们的发现编织成一份文件, 冠状病毒项目:应对大流行. It will combine their knowledge and research and present specific recommendations for future pandemic responses. 
“In addition to the threat and sometimes destruction that is inherent in a crisis, there are also opportunities for renewal and resiliency following a crisis,古普顿说.

All teams will present their findings during the final two Zoom classes of the semester.

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