阿宾顿 honors student leaders for creating 'communities of excellence'


学生Patrice Manasse获得了著名的Eric A. 和约瑟芬S. 易胜博娱乐分校校长Margo DelliCarpini颁发沃克奖.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 honored its student leaders for their accomplishments at the annual Awards and Leadership reception and ceremony. 由 总理马戈·德里卡皮尼, the campus community recognized the students’ high standards and dedication.   

“一般来说,那些工作出色的人 ... understand their roles and responsibilities in making a difference and their potential to change lives. 他们经常寻找相似人群的社区, 他们创造了卓越的社区, 就像你们在易胜博娱乐分校和你们自己的社区所做的那样,”她说。. 

吉娜·考夫曼他是 学生事务, announced senior Patrice Manasse as the winner of the most prestigious award of the evening, 埃里克·A. 和约瑟芬S. 沃克奖. 它认可一个学生的杰出品质, 奖学金, leadership and citizenship have been directed into activities that have positively influenced other students and have contributed to the prestige and well-being of their campus and the reputation of the University as a whole.   

马纳斯是第一代大学生,曾担任过 朋辈辅导员 在校园里 辅导及心理服务 office, where she also assisted with advertising, recruiting and program development. 她是校园里非裔加勒比组织的成员, 全国领导与成功学会, 以及阿宾顿基督教团契, and she worked as a Lion Guide mentoring first-year students and as a resident assistant at the 狮门 学生公寓社区. 

A nominator described Manasse as “a proactive and conscientious student who has been able to utilize and implement the counseling skills learned throughout her education at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 in order to help others and connect to students of differing races, 背景和性别.” 

Off campus, she has volunteered with a homeless ministry and the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  

阿比盖尔Akande,香港大学副教授 康复及人文服务 学生事务委员会主席, introduced the winners of the coveted Exemplary Leadership Awards for their enthusiastic participation in their ventures on campus, 在校内外的学术成就和领导能力.   


  • Yash Amin, president of the South Asian Student Association (SASA) who works 在校园里 全球项目办公室. 他在…担任研究助理 本科生研究计划(ACURA)他去了加纳 嵌入式研究,并在 另类春假 to support people living without housing and combating food insecurity. 一位提名人写道, “雅什对别人的尊重, 他目的的严肃性, and his dedication to the success of SASA inspires his fellow SASA board members to also work for the good of the student members.” 

  • 科尔巴克莱, president of the Student Government Association (SGA) and chair of the Student Initiated Fee Board. 他与管理员合作, 游说学生参议院关于可持续发展的立法, 技术访问/升级, 教学大纲上的语言, 支持开放和负担得起的教育资源. 一位提名人写道, “科尔管理冲突并确定解决方案, 致力于创建一个热情包容的社区, 并且批判性地思考什么对他的同学有益.” 

  • Kyleigh拜尔, secretary of the SGA and a team leader 在校园里 本科生研究计划(ACURA). Her nominator wrote, “in class she is insightful and engaged, making interesting contributions to ... 课堂讨论. Kyleigh巧妙地将课堂主题与现实世界的例子联系起来.” 

  • Jenny Guo在SGA担任过许多职位,包括秘书, 司库及拨款委员会主席. 她一直是学生发起收费委员会的投票成员, 阿宾顿商业领袖执行委员会成员, 新生迎新会的领导, 学生参与和领导支持助理, 也是狮门学生公寓的住宿助理. Guo’s nominator said she is “proactive, conscientious and seeks solutions. 她以目标为导向,并将挑战视为一种学习经历.”  

  • Smit Patel, secretary for SASA and leader of the Peer Action Global Learning Network (PAGLN). At PAGLN, he assisted in planning and executing the International Student Welcome. 帕特尔是该大学的 2023 Ardeth and Norman Frisbey International Undergraduate Student Award. 他的提名人说, 他的“同理心”, ability to inspire and connect make Smit a great example of leadership. He is reliable, hard-working and passionate about global learning and sharing his culture.”  

  • Pegasus Yang, president of the 社区 Outreach Workers and a member of SASA. 杨曾在PAGLN工作, 协助领导国际学生迎新活动, and he became a peer mentor for international students and an ambassador for campus 全球项目. Pegasus was so successful as a peer mentor that he was assigned to work with the University’s World Campus students. His nominator said that “he lets others lead and practice their strengths while he is guiding them through that experience.” 

在另一场仪式上, the Penn State 可持续性 Institute honored senior Re'naijah Purvis as one of the recipients of the 2023 Dr. John Roe 可持续性 影响 Awards The selection committee had more than 64 nominations and determined that Purvis’ efforts embodied the exemplary actions that advance the Penn State Sustainable Development Goals while demonstrating an unwavering commitment to fostering justice and to strengthening partnerships. 

Purvis serves as a resident assistant in the University’s first living learning community focused on global sustainability, and last semester she discussed its impact on students at the Global Sustainable Action: It Starts With Us conference. 点击这里阅读更多关于珀维斯的经历


易胜博娱乐分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有3个以上,100名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 25 majors, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, NCAA三级田径和更多.