'Head' to 阿宾顿 to view acclaimed 艺术ist's outdoor sculpture

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阿布, 在宾州州立大学阿宾顿露天剧场展出, was created by Philadelphia 艺术ist Miguel Horn as he processed a serious illness that his father battled several years ago. It encapsulates the shared challenges humans face when confronting aging and illness in a loved one.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — When members of the campus community and area residents hit the walking paths at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 接下来的一年, they will encounter something big in the outdoor amphitheater — 阿布, an 8-foot tall acrylic sculpture that lights up from within after dark.  

是的,这是一个头,但它不仅仅是一个头盖骨. 根据 H. 约翰•汤普森他是 阿宾顿美术馆 副教授 艺术 who spearheaded bringing the piece to campus, it’s a mediation on love. 

“At the core of the piece is a very humanistic experience that we'll all share at some point, 目睹所爱的人生病或衰老. This is where we can see the importance of the 艺术s to inspire us to use technologies and processes to communicate important messages that are more often felt than described,他说. 

阿布 was created by Philadelphia 艺术ist Miguel Horn to help process his emotions after his father was diagnosed with a serious illness several years ago. He specializes in developing large-scale public pieces using digital and analog processes, 他的作品常常包含着劣化, 记忆和无常.  

“我把他的肖像放大到巨大的比例, capturing the great presence he holds in our family’s lives. The surface is made up of layers of translucent acrylic sheet, 在地形上堆叠,创造出他的形象. The fractured surface of this material reflects light from the surrounding environment and can muddle the overall image,霍恩说, 描述其初始迭代. 

在他作为画廊总监的角色中, Thompson is charged with booking 艺术ists in p艺术 to serve as a living laboratory for students, although the gallery is open to the campus community and beyond. He felt Horn’s work straddled 艺术 practices so 阿宾顿 student 艺术ists would benefit from exploring the sculpture and an exhibit of his related work with faculty and on their own time. 

“His work integrates very traditional sculpture techniques with current technology, which mirrors the potential for intersecting disciplines we have here at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校,汤普森说. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校有大事发生了. 阿布会面, an 8-foot high sculpture developed by visual 艺术ist Miguel Horn to honor his father who was battling an illness. Horn combined technology with traditional sculpture techniques to construct the 艺术 piece, which at one point was placed in the Delaware River at Penn's Landing. 阿布 lights up at night and will be in the amphitheater for a year.


阿布去阿宾顿的旅程充满了烦恼. It was initially installed in the silty water at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia for 这是2019年的漂浮雕塑装置展览. Unfortunately, a freak storm tore through the region and broke it into pieces. 

“阿布 was built like a beast, but the tornado flipped it 180 degrees and ripped it off its moorings. I was he艺术broken,” Horn told 阿宾顿 艺术 students during a discussion. 

After dragging the pieces from the Delaware River to his West Philadelphia studio, Horn contemplated next steps while developing a series of related prints that are on view in the 阿宾顿美术馆.

与此同时, Thompson was so enamored with 阿布 when it was at Penn's Landing that he convinced Horn to consider repairing it and moving it to campus. 

“I thought 阿宾顿 was pretty and serene and a really contemplative space and it would fit in well there,霍恩说。, who reassembled 阿布 and used the Japanese practice of kintsugi gold leaf repair in specific areas. 

一旦修复完成, Horn loaded it onto a trailer for the 15-mile drive from West Philadelphia to 阿宾顿. 他们煞费苦心地沿着宽街往前走, 这是这座城市最繁忙、最拥挤的路线之一, and met Thompson and 阿宾顿's Business Operations grounds crew for another very slow drive along campus walkways to the amphitheater, where it was met by a forklift that moved it into its home for the next year. 

“Exhibiting the sculpture at 阿宾顿 gave Miguel an opportunity to show it in a different context. 他费力地修理和加固雕塑, and mending it was integral to its core content of what it means to be human and to experience a family member who is ill or aging,汤普森说. 


易胜博娱乐分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible and high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有3个以上,100名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 25 majors, 速成硕士学位, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, NCAA三级田径和更多. 

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