Grant establishes 大学康复计划 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校


The 大学康复计划 at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 aims to help reduce stigma around alcohol 和 drug misuse while giving students resources to achieve 和 sustain recovery going forward.  


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 将启动 大学康复计划 (CRP), thanks to a grant from the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, 支持有物质使用障碍的学生. The goal is to create a campus environment that helps those affected by alcohol 和 drug misuse while they stay on track to earn their degrees. 

格伦多,香港大学副教授 刑事司法 和 site coordinator for the Greater Philadelphia Office of the Criminal Justice Research Center, said the CRP will help reduce stigma while providing the students with resources to achieve 和 sustain recovery as they move forward.  

“This is an opportunity to meet the needs of all students by developing a robust programming infrastructure for students in recovery, while also educating the campus more broadly about support for those impacted by substance use. We want to be a campus that is recovery inclusive, supportive 和 empowering,他说.  

迈克尔Lavetsky,项目主席 康复与人类服务专业 和 a licensed professional counselor with extensive experience in chemical dependency treatment, 会协调这个项目. 它将在校园的投资组合内运作 辅导及心理服务(CAPS) since mental health 和 substance use are often co-occurring disorders. 

“我是康复患者的强烈倡导者, 和 my clinical background includes working in a clinic for those with co-occurring mental health 和 drug 和 alcohol use disorders. 我的家人也在康复中, 所以这对我来说意义非凡,拉维茨基说, 同时强调CRP不是一种治疗方案. 

“The Independence Blue Cross Foundation is committed to making inclusive recovery environments more accessible,洛琳娜·马歇尔-布莱克说, 独立蓝十字基金会主席. “支持网络, 比如易胜博娱乐分校提供的课程, 帮助学生保持康复状态, 在学校表现优异,充分发挥自己的潜力.”

这个项目一直在人们的愿望清单上 吉娜·考夫曼她担任学生事务主任近十年.  

他说:“看到这一切取得成果真是太好了. I am excited to see the impact 和 support our community can provide for this special population,考夫曼说, 谁监管CAPS ?. 

The number of 阿宾顿 students affected by substance use disorder is unknown, Sterner explained; however, 在全国范围内, 酒精使用,包括酗酒率高, 烟草, 特许经销商, cannabis 和 illicit drug abuse have been steadily increasing among the college-age population, 根据 国家药物滥用研究所.

“Many of our students live in neighborhoods in Philadelphia where access to treatment services is limited. The CRP provides an opportunity to meet the needs of our student population who may be experiencing the impacts of substance use disorder either directly or indirectly, 或者正在康复的人,斯特纳说. 

This spring Sterner 和 Lavetsky are laying the groundwork for the program alongside 凯伦·古尔德他是一名持牌心理学家,也是CAPS的主任. 他们正在参加培训, 主持焦点小组来确定阿宾顿的具体需求, 和 establishing an advisory board of Penn State faculty 和 staff, students in recovery 和 external individuals with lived experience. 斯特纳将担任董事会主席.


  • A drop-in center for students to study or simply relax in a confidential environment 
  • Group sessions for students in recovery or those affected by loved ones with substance use disorder
  • 朋辈心理辅导 
  • Sober recreational activities, guest speakers 和 targeted special events 
  • 校友支持和交流机会 

阿宾顿的CRP概念是基于 大学康复社区 大学公园, 和 it is crucial to keeping students on the path toward graduation, 据斯特纳说. 

“It is important that we integrate with the University Park model so students who start at 阿宾顿 can move easily to University Park. 我们是联邦校园的第一个CRP, 和, 一旦我们成功了, we can provide this as a model to other campuses 和 work systemwide to support students in long-term recovery,他说. 

Sterner said the program is built on evidenced-based practices 和 ongoing research will inform their work, 哪个最终以学生为中心.  

“We want students to be aware that 阿宾顿 is the place to come if you are in recovery. If you are ready, we are ready for you, 和 we will support you,斯特纳说. 


易胜博娱乐分校提供了一个负担得起的, accessible 和 high-impact education resulting in the success of a diverse student body. It is committed to student success through innovative approaches to 21st-century public higher education within a world-class research university. 有3个以上,100名学生, 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 is a residential campus that offers baccalaureate degrees in 25 majors, 速成硕士学位, 本科研究, 施赖尔荣誉学院, NCAA三级田径和更多. 


Donors like the Independence Blue Cross Foundation advance the University’s historic l和-grant mission to serve 和 lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni 和 friends are helping students to join the Penn State family 和 prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach 和 economic development that grow our shared strength 和 readiness for the future; 和 increasing the University’s impact for families, patients 和 communities across the commonwealth 和 around the world. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu.
