Research, teaching awards and promotions at 阿宾顿


阿宾顿 students discovered the fundamentals of the design process from art instructor H. 约翰•汤普森 (second from 左). They created a replica of a World War II warship famous for its unusual camouflage and launched it into the campus pond.

Credit: Maria Narodetsky

阿宾顿,爸爸. — Penn State awarded promotions to 11 Penn State 阿宾顿 faculty members for commitment to academic excellence last week.

Eight faculty earned tenure and promotion to associate professor:

psychology Jake Benfield

 Jake Benfield (左) develops innovative devices such as using "The Walking Dead" TV show to teach psychological phenomenon involving neuroscience, 领导, 组织流程, 和创伤.

Credit: Penn State

Three faculty earned promotion to full professor:

阿宾顿 faculty

舒如提古普塔, professor of marketing at 阿宾顿, 左, researched consumer behavior in India during a recent sabbatical.

Credit: Penn State

The University named Linda Patterson Miller a Distinguished Professor of English at 阿宾顿. Miller spent the 2011-12 academic year as the Penn State laureate, sharing her expertise in communities throughout the state. The title recognizes a select group of professors with exceptional teaching, research and service accomplishments.

阿萍乐, associate librarian at 阿宾顿, earned the University Libraries 多样性 Award. He spent the last academic year as a prestigious and highly competitive University Administrative Fellow and as an Academic Leadership Program Fellow through the Committee on Institutional Collaboration.

马蒂内利安 education majors

Penn State 阿宾顿 education majors partner with schools in economically challenged areas to distribute books and assist in classrooms. Instructor Ann Martinelli said supporting elementary students holistically leads to better learning outcomes. 

Credit: Penn State

The 阿宾顿 College 教师 Senate presented awards to: 
